Whether your home removal is local or international, an organised move is much less. Our checklist is a helping hand to check you have everything prepared.
This general list of actions may be helpful in planning your move and a helpful reminder. Feel free to print them off and call us if you need advice, we’ve been a removal company since 1919.
Download checklist- Confirm removal date and sign and return the moving contract together with your deposit and payment
- Arrange a contact number whilst you are changing over between homes.
Start running down your freezer contents. - Check your home insurance – make sure that you have cover from the day you move in and consider increasing or decreasing the amount of cover.
- Notify your bank and savings/share accounts.
- Ask Royal mail to reroute your post.
- Notify change of address to any H.P. and credit firms.
- Clear loft and any other storage areas ready for removal.
- Plan where things are going in your new home.
- Clean out freezer, ensure defrosted and dry for removal day.
- Send new address cards to friends and relatives.
- Take down curtains and blinds.
- Confirm insurance arrangement at declared value.
- Dispose or sell off anything you don’t want.
- Book mains services for disconnections and meter readings.
- Notify doctor, dentist, vet, optician etc.
- Notify telephone company.
- Notify TV licence, DVLA, Passport Offices.
- Make a local map with directions to new house for friends and moving company.
- Start packing your possessions into boxes, clearly labeling boxes with the room and details of the contents.
- Cancel milk and newspapers.
- Find and label keys.
- Sort out clothes and linen.
- Keep to one side your children’s toys you might need before you unpack.
- Organise any parking requirements at your old and new properties.
- Pack a box with essentials for when you arrive at your new house. A kettle, tea, coffee, biscuits, mugs, light bulbs and toilet rolls should be high on your list.
Banned from removal & storage
- All foods
- Anything flammable, combustible or caustic.
- No petrol, oil, cleaning fluids, paint thinners and portable gas tanks.
- If in doubt ask us or the management of your self storage unit.